New kings of leon son
New kings of leon son

Among the participants at the table: the head of consumer products, playing show and tell with the new line of Glee-branded Sephora nail polish a representative from home entertainment, passing around a Target circular featuring the Season 2, Vol.

new kings of leon son

New kings of leon son tv#

Glee is a brand that, through its inventive packaging of music and the mall-ready charisma of its stars, has redefined how big a TV business can be. For Glee, gone is the old TV model of making money only off ads (nearly $300,000 per 30-second spot and rising) and syndication. In fact, to call it a mere show seems a misnomer. Just one look around the table at the Gleekly meeting reveals the scope of how mammoth, complicated and promising the show is. If Idol feels like a slightly worn Vegas act that could use new lipstick, Glee still has the freshness of a Year 2 show whose ratings - and business - are on the upswing while its audience (average age: 34) remains enviably young. And not just any momentum, but the big-network water-cooler kind that’s hard to come by in a world where small cable gets the buzz, even if their shows don’t always get the numbers. In some ways, it was a symbolic shift - if not exactly in ratings supremacy, then in television momentum. 20, hours after Idol’s premiere ratings would show a season-over-season 13 percent decline, the most prominent ad on the Fox lot facing busy Pico Boulevard suddenly had been switched from Ryan Seacrest and company to the Glee gang. Averaging 14 million viewers this season, Glee still trails American Idol by a good 10 million, but it’s inching closer to the juggernaut with each passing day. Welcome to the “Gleekly meeting,” a pep rally during which the many tentacles that tend to the nearly half-billion-dollar brand convene to discuss the latest strategies for what has become the network’s No.

new kings of leon son

Piped in via video: another eight team members from Columbia Records in New York. Only this chorus wasn’t singing on the set of Glee it was 16 cheering department heads seated around a conference table at the Los Angeles offices of 20th Century Fox Television, the studio that produces the hit Fox show. There were big smiles, hearty applause and a collective pat on the back. The note was practically a high “A-sharp” the cacophony of voices blended perfectly to form an instantly recognizable tone, striking the right balance of volume and shrill while conveying contagious enthusiasm. The following story appears in the current issue of The Hollywood Reporter available on newsstands Thursday.

New kings of leon son